Microsoft Excel 
A spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. 

Equation Editor (Classroom Tutorial)

1. Launch Microsoft Excel

2. On the top of the page, click on FormatOrganize Sheet, Rename Sheet 1 as 'Maklumat Pelajar' and press Enter.

3. Insert data for 'Bil' and 'Nama Pelajar' as shown in the image below.

4. Open new sheet and rename Sheet 2 as 'Kehadiran'

5. In the 'A1' box, insert '='

6. Back to Sheet 1, click on 'Bil' and press Enter.

7. 'Bil' will automatically inserted to Sheet 2.

8. Click on the bottom right corner on the 'Bil' box and you will see this sign '+'.

9. Drag the the sign to the last number.

10. Repeat this steps for 'Nama Pelajar'.

11. Open new sheet and rename Sheet 3 as 'Markah'.

12. Insert data for 'Bil' and 'Nama Pelajar' and 'Subjek' as shown in  steps 6 - 9.

13. Insert new data for 'Gred' next to 'Subjek'.

14. Fill up the marks for each subject.

15. Open new sheet and rename Sheet 4 as 'Gred'.

16. Insert the data table as shown in the image below.

17. Click on sheet 3 which for 'Markah'.

18. Click on the D2 box, below 'Gred' for the first subject.

19. On the Menu bar, click Formulas, click fx Insert Function.

20. Choose Lookup & References from the 'or select a category'

21. In the 'Select a function' box, choose VLOOKUP and click OK.

22. Function Arguments box will appear as shown in the image below.

23. For Lookup_value, click on C2 box which is the marks that will be given a grade.

24. For Table_array, open sheet 4 for 'Gred' and highlight the cells B5:C15. Add '$' symbol in between like this B$5:C$15.

25. For Col_index_num, type '2'.

26. For Range_lookup, type 'TRUE'.

27. Formula result will come out, click OK.

28. Click on the bottom right corner on the D2 box and drag the sign '+' to D16.

29. Repeat steps 18-28 for other subjects.

30. Copy all subjects grade in the 'Markah' sheet.

31. Click on D18 box.

32. On the Menu Bar, click Formulas, click fx Insert Function.

33. Choose statistical from the 'or select a category'.

33. In the 'Select a function' box, choose COUNTIF and click OK.

34. Function Arguments box will appear as shown in the image below.

35. For range, highlight cells D2:D16. Add '$' symbol in between like this D$2:D$16.

36. For criteria, type 'TH', you will see the Formula Result and click OK.

37. Repeat steps 31-36 for all grade scale for the same subject.

38. The range will remain the same, but you have to change the criteria. 

39. Click on D29

40. On the Menu bar, click Formulas, choose Σ  Auto Sum.

41. Cell D18-D28 will automatically highlighted.

42.  Press Enter and Repeat steps 39-41 for other subjects.

43. On the Menu bar, click Insert, click Column, choose your desired type of column.

44. Column chart will appear on your screen.

45. Click on the chart, click on Design menu bar, click Select Data.

46. In the Legend Entries (Series) box, click series and click edit.

47. Type 'Bilangan Gred Bahasa Melayu' and click OK.

48. To insert an axis, click on the chart, click Layout on the menu bar, click Axis Titles

49. Click on Primary Horizontal Axis Title and choose Title Below Axis.

50. Change the Axis Title to 'BILANGAN PELAJAR'.

51. For Vertical Axis Title, change the Axis Title to 'GRED'.

53. Do this steps for other subjects and you are done !

ThankYou ! 🎈

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